
Mood Charting

Almost four years ago, when my depression very dramatically shifted to become severe depression, my excel-loving husband made me some mood charts to track my ever fluctuating emotions along with medication changes, menstrual cycles, and other factors that might have influenced how I felt. This chart became an invaluable resource at my many doctor's appointments and eventually became the key to figuring out what my body needed when I realized that my once a month upward spikes were centered around my ovulation.

Many people have asked me in the last couple of months what they can do to get the help I've gotten. Unfortunately, this is not a simple answer, as other people's source of mental anguish may not be hormones. The best help I can provide is to suggest doing consistent mood tracking, so my husband Kyle Avery and I worked on these charts to make them easier to use. My dream is to someday develop an app to do this, but for now, an excel spreadsheet is the best I can give. If you click the link below and download it on your computer (it won't work on phones), it has all the information you need. 


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