

 This -4 degree weather has got nothing on me, the wimpiest of all wimps in the cold. 🥶😜 Why?  Because I *have* to prioritize my mental health, and there's not just one magical thing that keeps me in a good place.  For me, there's medication, counseling, good sleep, healthy eating, drinking enough, getting out of the house, spending time with good people, and very importantly, exercising.  Going swimming is non-negotiable for me (except for circumstances like sickness or things of that nature).  It breathes life into my soul when I feel weighed down by the heaviness of darkness and sorrow.  Too much time without it and I can feel a physical difference inside my body.  The gym has become a happy place for me, and I'm so so thankful for the warmth and indoor pool it provides that allows me to keep swimming even when it's frigid and quite honestly miserable outside.




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