
Feeling Happy

 The last few days, I've felt happy.  I've caught myself smiling or laughing, and it's been completely genuine.  It's such an amazing feeling.  

Sometimes I get so scared sharing when I am happy (like right now 😬😫).  Not because I don't want people to know and not because it's not worth celebrating, but because I don't know how long it will last, and I know how incredibly difficult it is to share when I am not doing well again after telling everyone that things are good.  In fact, it took me 4 months into my pregnancy with Garrett before I started telling people that I had actually been feeling well that whole time, just because of this very fear.

I think we're making a huge breakthrough medication-wise.  It's too early to know and definitely too early to share, but I will share someday if the trend continues.  

Happy, light-filled days are such treasures to me.  I don't know how long this particular period of light will last, but I will love every second of it, even if it happens to be fleeting.




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